BBQ Meat & Aussie Beer Pairing Ideas

BBQ Meat & Aussie Beer Pairing Ideas

Few pairings go as well as BBQ Meat and Beer yet there are so many Aussie Beers to choose from. Some beers are just meant to go with burgers and others with steaks which you can get from McKenzie Quality Meats. Here we will look at several pairing ideas to make the most of your next Barbeque party.

Beer and Burger Pairings

While you may imagine just a simple Aussie lager is the ideal pairing with a burger, think again. If you wanted to go further then consider the composition of your burger itself. Dripping with sweet ketchup, the added sourness from some pickles and the saltiness of the meat and cheese itself. Throw in the bitterness of a solid, complex IPA or a dark, indulgent Porter and you have a taste sensation right there. 

Which Beers go with a Steak?

Once you have selected the perfect steak, whether that be a juicy T Bone Steak or a Sirloin/Porterhouse Steak, it needs to be treated well, You should look for a beer that can add to the savouriness of the meat and offset the delicious fatty flavours. Steak can include some powerful flavours when a Meat Rub is added so consider a sweet, dark Belgian style ale that will stand up. Dark ales generally work best with Steak and you should also look out for Porters and Stouts.  

Beers to go with your Grilled Veggies

To avoid your Barbeque becoming a Meat Feast you should be involving some vegetarian dishes such as Grilled Corn on the Cob and Halloumi Burgers. While their flavours will be more subtle, grilling veggies brings out the sugars which means beers that cut through that will be best. Pilsners should be ideal yet look out for a Brown Porter where the caramel flavour will complement the enhanced sweetness of the veggies.