How To Barbecue The Perfect Steak

How To Barbecue The Perfect Steak

There are few things as rewarding as a perfect steak cooked on the barbie. While the barbecue grill is great for Beef and Pork Sausages as well as Beef Kebabs, Lamb Kebabs, Chicken Kebabs, Chicken Wings and Spatchcock it need not be daunting for your steak. 

Firstly, you need to treat that cut of beef well so the cooking surface on your barbecue grill must be clean and oiled. This should be done while the heat is just reaching its peak and is to ensure that the steak achieves good contact and does not stick when you try to flip it over. Grab a piece of kitchen paper and half it so it covers your metal barbecue brush then soak it in a high-heat oil such as canola, vegetable or sunflower and move it around with the brush.  

Now that the surface is ready you want to turn up the heat. If you are using charcoal in your barbecue you want a heavy, white-hot layer of briquettes. Alternatively, if you are using a gas grill simply put it up as far as it will go. Once ready, drop your steaks onto the grill. 

Depending on how you like your steak will dictate how you cook it. For steaks between medium and rare you should leave the temperature at its highest. For anything beyond that you want to get the grill to the highest temperature then turn it down to avoid burning the outside before the middle is cooked. You should remember to keep the lid on as much as you can, turn your steak four times and make sure it’s flipped over once. Once you have achieved the doneness you wanted, let it rest then enjoy that perfect steak.