Selecting The Perfect Steak

Selecting The Perfect Steak

There are telltale signs to consider when selecting the right cut of beef for your perfect steak. Ideally, tender with plenty of marbling though you should also be looking at where the cut has come from so you know just how to prepare and cook it. 

The tenderness comes from the muscles which do not get worked as much such as the tenderloin, short loin and rib. Cuts from those parts are excellent for dry-heat cooking such as grilling and putting on the barbecue. Then there is the marbling, those slight flecks of fat that bear flavour.

You should also be considering the thickness of the steak. Too thin and it risks being overcooked, too thick and the outside may be crisp yet the middle may be significantly underdone. Going to the supermarket may mean having to accept whatever thickness is already packed up on the shelves. However, we’d recommend a thickness of around one and a half inches. Thick enough to remain juicy inside yet slim enough for bitesize pieces.
Now you know what to look out for, which cuts should you select? There are certain well known cuts of beef you should be considering for your perfect steak. There is the Rib Fillet/Scotch Fillet from the rib primal cut as well as the Sirloin/Porterhouse and T-Bone steaks which come from the short loin and the tenderloin. By looking out for the marbling, considering where the cut is from and what thickness, you can select your perfect steak.