Serving Your Meat Joint

Serving Your Meat Joint

Once you have cooked your perfect meat joint you have to do it justice and serve it right. A lot can depend on that final stage before you actually begin to enjoy the meal. How you serve the joint itself and whether to add a sauce are both elements to consider.

Serve It Up

Cooking a meat joint for others is possibly one of the most daunting meals you can attempt. For most joints, and certainly steak, we would recommend serving it whole for visual impact. Whole Chicken, Pork Belly as well as Boned and Rolled Lamb Shoulder should be presented at the table then cut to impress friends and family, they can also fight over which parts they want. For steak, if you wanted to confirm it was cooked to their liking you can slice it on the diagonal yourself and arrange it in a fan-shaped presentation.

Warm Your Plate

After taking the effort to ensure your perfect meat joint was prepared, seasoned well and cooked just how you like it you want to make sure it stays that way. Put your plate in the oven for a few minutes at around 180°C and your joint will remain perfect.

Go Simple Or Add Sauce

There are some who prefer to let their perfect joint do all the talking so leave it alone, the flavour alone is worth it. However, you could go the extra mile and opt for sauces. For steak, these include staples such as Béarnaise Sauce, Pepper Sauce or even a quick red wine sauce though just a dollop of mustard goes well too. For Whole Chicken we’d recommend Chicken Gravy and for Boned and Rolled Lamb Shoulder you should opt for Rich Roast Gravy. The right sauce with the right serving can lift the plate and your joint to new heights.