The Five Doneness Stages Of Steak

The Five Doneness Stages Of Steak

We all enjoy our steak a little differently. From the cuts we prefer to how we want to present it on a plate. When it comes to doneness there are only five options to choose from. So, how do you have your steak and what should you look out for?


The carnivore’s favourite. To get this right it needs to be lightly charred and browned on the sides yet when cut should be warm and bright red through the middle. 

Medium Rare

Ask most chefs how they have their steak and they would likely opt for medium rare. This should be served warm through the middle with a pink centre and a hint of red. The surface should be firm with a bit of a give and spring towards the middle. 


If you are cooking steaks for a group this is usually the doneness you should aim for. The steak should have a thick band of pink in the middle though, unlike the medium rare, it should be more browned than pink. 

Medium Well

For the right medium well steak there should just be a slight hint of pink running through the middle surrounded by grey-brown. This should still be a modestly juicy steak yet without the blood.

Well Done

There is a certain stigma attached to ordering your steak well done as many chefs believe it renders the tenderness and juiciness redundant. In fact, it is the hardest stage to achieve as it requires long and slow cooking to prevent burning yet ensuring the steak is cooked and browned through. 

Yummy Slow cooking products at McKenzie

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Slow cooked Moroccan Chicken
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However you decide to serve your steak, getting the doneness right is crucial.