What’s The Difference Between A Meat Rub And Marinade

Difference between a Meat Rub and Marinade

Two of the best ways to dramatically increase the flavour of your meat is by applying a Meat Rub or Marinade. Both methods can work wonders yet triumph in different ways and provide different results. Once you have selected your prime meat cuts from McKenzie Quality Meats then consider which method you want to use.

What is a Meat Rub?

A Meat Rub is essentially a spicy, sweet and savoury mix of dry ingredients and spices which adds a kick of flavour to a large piece of meat like a Sirloin Steak or a set of Pork Ribs. There is no liquid involved, which is one of the key reasons why the method adds texture by coating the meat as well as infusing flavour. 

What goes into a Meat Rub?

A typical Meat Rub mix usually includes spices such as Paprika, Cumin, Ground Coriander and Cayenne Pepper to give it that kick. The key base ingredient is Dark Sugar which can be Dark Brown Sugar or Molasses which introduces a caramelising effect when the meat starts to cook. Coarse Salt brings the mixture together and you can always enhance the combinations with some Ground Black Pepper, Onion and Garlic Powders.

How to use a Meat Rub

Prepare your Meat Rub in advance and store it in a tight fitting jar so you can use it again months later. The Meat Rub is best used ahead of time so you should massage it into your meat around an hour before cooking. Better still, leave the rubbed meat in the fridge overnight to enhance the flavours. When you do grill or barbeque your meat try not to apply direct heat as this will burn the rub instead of caramelising it. All that’s left is making sure you hit your favourite doneness stage.

What is a Marinade?

Just like a Meat Rub, a Marinade is a mix of spices yet the difference is the inclusion of an acidic liquid. This can be Vinegar, Citrus Juice or even Wine and the acidity helps to break down the meat and tenderise it while adding in flavour. You could also use flavoursome liquids such as Soy Sauce, Mustard and even Pickle Juice.

How to use a Marinade

The size of your meat cut will determine how long you should marinate as bigger pieces can take between 12 and 24 hours yet a set of Beef Kebabs may only need an hour. Simply coat your cut in the marinade and leave it in the fridge to work its magic.

What’s the difference between a Meat Rub and Marinade?

One component; liquid yet that makes all the difference. A Marinade will tenderise your meat as well as flavouring it whereas a Meat Rub should add a caramelising effect.